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In late 2015 Miss Gen was appointed as a qualified Kazami-Ryu Instructor and Deshi to Kazami Ranki and in 2018 was announced as Shihan (Head of School/Master Instructor) for the entire Oceania region. Since 2016 Evil Girls HQ has taken it’s place as a Kazami-Ryu School, with regular classes of this Osaka style of rope.
The Kazami-Ryu curriculum has been carefully tiered in order to provide students with the safest, sanest path on their journey in rope. The classes are offered at four different levels, from the fundamentals in Level 1 through to the most advanced ties in Level 4.
All students, no matter their level of skill in other styles, must begin Kazami-Ryu Shibari at Level 1, due to the differences in our standard harness.
You will require your own rope kit, the number of hanks will be details in the information PDF available after booking. We generally tie with 7~8m lengths of a natural fibre such as Jute or Hemp. Cotton can also be used, or good quality bondage specific MFP (nylon) ropes such as Chromaknotz, Agreeable Agony or Knothead Nylon.
Please note switching is not permitted in class, ie only one person ties throughout the class. If you both want to learn to tie please attend as two couples, or swap week by week (not Level 1), not within one class.
Classes are held at our Shailer Park venue, the address and other relevant information is supplied as a download link with your confirmation email after booking. Classes are 2 1/4 hours long, starting at 7:00pm.
Level 1 classes are a 6 month course once a month on the morning of the 2nd Saturday of the month. After that, Level’s 2~4 classes are held on alternative weeks on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, check our events calendar for exact dates.
All bookings are via our Events Calendar Page. All prices are per rope couple, i.e.. the one price includes both the student and the model. Please attend as a rope couple, you do need someone to tie with and we do not supply models.
Core Curriculum
Kazami-Ryu 1 will teach the student to apply the standard Kazami-Ryu Munenawa (chest harness) safely, comfortably and with finesse.
Kazami-ryu Munenawa (chest harness, or TK)
How to tie it and understand why you are tying it in this fashion.
Why it’s important and how to create it in the chest harness.
Safety and emergency procedures.
Identifying nerve paths and tying around them, what to do in emergency situations.
Additional Curriculum
Kazami-ryu Maeniryoute Shibari (Arms bound in front)
Futomomo (Ankle bound to hip – non suspension)
Gyaku-Ebi Shibari (Floor work – hogtie)
Advancing to Kazami-Ryu 2
Students must satisfactorily complete the core curriculum in order to move up to Kazami Ryu 2.
The Level 1 course will be a 6 class course conducted over 6 months, on the morning of the 2nd Saturday of each month. All the classes must be attended to complete the curriculum and the final lesson will include a time trial test to check your knowledge of the Munenawa chest harness. The test for this will be tying a suspension worthy 3 rope chest harness in 7:30. Practicing at home will be an essential part of your learning, to be able to complete the time trial.
There may be opportunities from time to time for a makeup class to be conducted in case student have missed a part of the curriculum, or Miss Gen is always available for private lessons for those who need.
Core Curriculum
In this class, students will use the material learned in Kazami Ryu 1 to start doing partial suspensions safely, comfortably and with finesse.
Kinbaku Theory
Why are you tying/being tied? How do you achieve that?
Floor Work
Engaging the model
Position – the model’s and yours
Chokuritsu Ashi Shibari (Mermaid Leg Harness)
Arms Free Body Harness
Upper Kannuki Free Munenawa (TK)
Partial Suspensions
Koshi Nawa – 2 versions (Hip Harnesses)
Suspension lines and their execution
Loading a harness
Physiology/ Manipulating your partners movements
How to monitor your partner effectively
Blood and Nerves, how to avoid and deal with them
Guiding your partner to the ground and safety
Emergency procedures
Advancing to Kazami-Ryu 3
Students must satisfactorily complete the core curriculum in order to move up to Kazami Ryu 3. Graduating Level 2 is not an automatic entry into Level 3, your instructor will invite you to Level 3 if they feel you have the ability to be able to safely work through the Level.
The test for Level 2 graduation will be tying a suspension worthy 3 rope chest harness in 5:15 and demonstrating a solid, consistent understanding of suspension line execution. How long this takes is entirely dependant on how often a student practices, the average is around 10~12 lessons but again, everyone moves through at their own pace.
Core Curriculum
In this class, students from Level 2 who have been invited into Level 3 will use the material learned up to now to start doing suspensions safely, comfortably and with finesse.
Line Management
Monitoring Partner
Mitigating injury
Bridge suspension (arms free)
Kazami style Yokozuri (Side suspension)
Kazami Style Hikyakuzuri (Postman/Running man Suspension)
Sakasazuri (Inverted Suspension)
Gyaku Ebi Zuri (Reverse Prawn Suspension)
Aomukezuri (Face up Suspension)
Strappado Yokozuri (Sideways Suspension)
Gaikyakuzuri (Open Leg Suspension)
Advancing to Kazami-Ryu 4
Students must satisfactorily complete the core curriculum to a standard acceptable to the Instructor in order to be invited to move up to Kazami Ryu 4. How long it takes to graduate is entirely dependant on how often a student practices but a minimum of 10 lessons is to be expected. Graduating Level 3 is not an automatic entrance into Level 4, your instructor will invite those who they feel are ready.
In this class, students invited to join Level 4 will use the material they’ve learned in Kazami Ryu 1 ~ 3 to perform advanced transitional suspensions safely, comfortably and with finesse. This class is designed for students to be able to expand their knowledge exponentially, and no longer simply create “forms” but instead start creating “concepts”.
Core Curriculum
Hishi Munenawa (Diamond TK Harness)
Teppou zuri (Rifle Tie Suspension)
Shin Shin sakasatsuri (Straight Arm Inversion Suspension)
Kataashi (Ankle Suspensions)
Hineri zuri (Twisted Suspensions)
Advanced Transitions.
Adapting forms and creating shapes.
Kinbaku Theory
Communication between Model and Rigger
The philosophy of a tie
Building a scene
Building a performance
Graduating from Level 4 is based entirely on student skill as assessed by your instructors. In reality, we never stop learning, but a point will come when your instructor will offer to graduate you, when they feel you are ready.
Class Fees for each Kazami-Ryu lesson shall be as below:
Kazami-Ryu 1
$55 per couple
Kazami-Ryu 2
$55 per couple
Kazami-Ryu 3
$65 per couple
Kazami-Ryu 4
$75 per couple
Private Lessons
Miss Gen offers private lessons to locals and visitors in South East Queensland. Whether you are looking for specific instruction so you can graduate a level in the Kazami-Ryu classes, looking for guidance or advice on your own style of rope or prefer not to attend group lessons, we can help.
Being customized to the students individual needs, private lessons are the best way to improve your rope quickly.
$100 per hr with a 2hr minimum
If you are unable to bring your own rope model, we may be able to supply someone at a fee of $25 per hour, payable in cash direct.
“Bondage 101” Special Beginners Lesson
This class will take approximately 2 hours and will you will learn about basic types of rope, basic rope safety, a single column tie, a double column tie, and some ways to use them. A single column tie is the minimum requirement to be able to join into our regular Kazami-Ryu Level 1 classes.
$50 flat fee per couple, for one person tying. Check the Events Calendar page for the next class.
This lesson can also be done as a single person (cost remains the same), please let us know in advance so we can rig up a practice point, as there are a maximum of 2 singles spots available.
Please bring your own rope.